07 October 2014

Didn't we just do this?

Once again, life is about how much stuff we can pack into boxes. I put the first item into the first box and it was just as though I'd never stopped in March. Perhaps this is my new career path.

We made significant progress yesterday, so much that I'm not quite as panicked about the whole thing anymore. We've also identified the "bug out" boxes... the 6 or 7 boxes that will have to be picked up and thrown into our cars when we get the word that a showing is imminent. Because, really, you can't pack away toothbrushes and vitamins forever. Once the bug out boxes are gone, it doesn't even look like we live here.


Another new experience... we now have a storage unit. I've never had one in all my years of picking up and moving around. This one is halfway between the two houses, and the goal is to move the big stuff from house A to storage unit to house B. No back and forth a million times, right?

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