04 November 2014

September Marsh

And just like that, it's done.

Well, not *just* like that. It took about nine months and more stress and headaches than you can imagine. It's not for the faint of heart or the thin-skinned, that's for sure. There was a lot of illogical bullshit. "Why do they do this? Because." And oh my God... such a huge waste of time and resources and money. One department never knew what the other one was doing. I'd get 3 different letters saying 3 different things, all dated the same day. It would have been comical if it hadn't been so nerve-wracking.

But now it's done. I'll miss the view, but that's about it. Emotionally, I was out of there months ago. Years ago, really. It's done, but I'm still not completely convinced that it really is, even though that's what everyone keeps telling me.

It's done. On to the next thing now.

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