31 December 2014

I don't make resolutions... I just make suggestions.

Inspiration Point 2014

The older I get, the more I rail against resolutions. "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!"
Perhaps that's because I was never a very rebellious child. Following this logic, by the time I'm 80 I'm gonna be totally out of control. Consider yourselves warned.

Here are the suggestions for chele in 2015.

  1. Don't burn the house down. Well, a good suggestion for any year really. 
  2. Always be awesome. Again, I'd like to do this every year, and without being told.
  3. Be as motivated by the process as I am by the outcome. When I want to learn something or try something new, sometimes I just want to rush through the process and just KNOW how to do it (and also be an instant expert, thankyouverymuch). This most often leads to burning out and/or giving up all together. I hit the Italian language lessons SO HARD in 2014... and I got to about level 14 and just gave up, because I was making myself crazy from the (entirely internal) pressure. So this year, I'm going to slow it down and enjoy the process of learning the language (or mastering a recipe, or anything else like that there).
  4. Write a little more. For the first time in eons, I didn't write every single day. I didn't even write in my head. I was always too busy (see: making myself crazy with the Italian thing), or too unmotivated (but... just ONE more game of Sudoku), or just... not writing. So this year, I'm going to remember how much I like writing, and I'm going to do more of it.
  5. Give generously. Of my time, my resources, myself. To whom much is given, much is expected. I know every single day how blessed and lucky I am. How can I NOT reciprocate? HOWEVER -
  6. Know when to say when. There's giving generously, and then there's being a doormat (or a decorative throw rug). Sometimes it's okay to say enough is enough and then step away. 
  7. Do Right. Like the psalmist says: "Blessed are they who act justly, who always do what is right." That seems pretty straightforward.
I'm a lucky, lucky person. Here at the end of 2014 - I'm healthy, I have a good job, I have awesome friends, and I'm in love with a wonderful man. Who could ask for anything more?

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